13:14 PM

Your resting heart rate is a key sign of fitness and longevity. Improve it with 2 types of workouts

Business Insider reports that your resting heart rate is a key sign of fitness and longevity and shared how you can improve it with different workouts. 

A strong, healthy heart isn't just about keeping up during exercise. Measuring how well your heart works at rest is just as important for unlocking a longer life and better fitness.

According to Kate Baird, MA, ACSM-CEP, CSC, exercise physiologist at HSS,  you don't need to worry too much about your resting heart rate at any one point in time. 

What's more important than a single measure of your resting heart rate is how it changes over time, Baird said. If your resting heart rate is trending lower over time, that's a good indicator that you're becoming more fit.

"You can track relative changes to see that the system is getting stronger," she explained.

Read the full article at businessinsider.com.