17:57 PM

What Range of Motion Is—and How to Increase It

TheHealthy features tips for improving your range of motion according to experts including HSS physical therapist Michael Goldstein PT, DPT, OCS, SFMA.

Goldstein explained that range of motion for any joint is determined by the limitations of the joint itself as well as the soft tissue structures around the joint, such as muscles and ligaments.

Aging, lack of movement or medical conditions and injuries can lead to a reduced range of motion. According to Goldstein, “As we age, we lose some elasticity in our soft tissue structures, which can contribute to decreased range of motion.” He added, “Lack of movement and poor postural positioning can cause you to lose range of motion. In other words, if you don’t use it, you lose it.”

Joints are most commonly affected by a reduced range of motion, especially those in the neck, upper back, shoulders, hips, and low back. Goldstein said, “This is common due to adaptive posture that we develop from prolonged sitting at a computer or having our head flexed and looking down at our phones. These postures can contribute to upper back tightness and poor ability to extend into an upright position. This can also impact your shoulder range of motion, limiting your ability to reach overhead or behind your back.”

Goldstein noted active movement is key to bettering your range of motion. He advised, “It’s important to follow stretching up with active motion to maintain the improvements made from a stretching exercise.”

Read the full article at TheHealthy.com.