17:07 PM

Trouble with your knee? What you need to know about knee replacement surgery

NBC TODAY reports on what to expect when undergoing knee replacement surgery, including the pre-surgical preparation, recovery timeline, and more according to experts including John L. Wang, MD, hip and knee surgeon at HSS Florida.

Dr. Wang noted that people start “prehab” and do exercises to prepare for knee replacement surgery. These exercises strengthen the muscles around the knee, so recovery is easier, he explained. The procedure itself takes about an hour. “It’s not a longer surgery anymore,” said Dr. Wang, as surgical techniques have improved over the years so there’s less disruption to the muscles and tendons. Advances in anesthesia and pain control make recovering from knee replacement surgery easier as well.

In four to six weeks a lot of the range of motion starts to come back. Most people return to driving after knee replacement surgery and managing their daily routines and errands in one to two months, cited Dr. Wang. People also want to know how long a knee replacement usually lasts. “It’s like asking how long a car lasts — you have to look at probabilities,” said Dr. Wang, who tells his patients it’s likely their implants will last 20 to 30 years. However like any mechanical device, your knee replacement will wear out sooner if you put more stress on it (e.g., running and high-impact activities). “I don’t necessarily mind patients trying to get back to what they loved,” noted Dr. Wang.

Read the full article at Today.com.