16:43 PM

The Best Mattress for Stomach Sleepers in 2022

SELF.com discusses the best mattresses for stomach sleepers and includes guidance from Naimish Baxi, MD, physiatrist at HSS.

Dr. Baxi explained, “Stomach sleeping is the least ideal position (compared to back and side) when it comes to neck and low back pain.”

He noted, “For stomach sleepers, the firmer the better. A firm mattress will help with optimizing your spine position, keeping it as neutral as possible.”

Dr. Baxi said all standard types of mattresses can provide the kind of relief that stomach sleepers need and it is mainly a matter of personal preference.

Dr. Baxi advised avoiding mattresses that are too thin, as this can make them less supportive. “I recommend using a mattress that’s at least 10 inches or thicker for stomach sleepers,” he added.

Read the full article at Self.com.