13:43 PM

Study: Spinal, general anesthesia offer ‘reliable’ same-day discharge for outpatient TJA

Stavros G. Memtsoudis, MD, PhD, MBA, chief of anesthesiology, critical care and pain management at HSS discusses the use of spinal or general anesthesia in outpatient total joint arthroplasty (TJA).

Published results from a study showed spinal and general anesthesia were associated with high rates of successful same day discharge TJA. 

“There are numerous studies comparing general vs. neuraxial anesthesia and, while outcomes studies and conclusions vary, one can summarize the literature as follows: Most studies suggest a reduction  in perioperative complications (including bleeding, pulmonary and infections) with neuraxial anesthesia when compared to general anesthesia. There are some studies suggesting equivalence, but virtually none show the superiority of general anesthesia. This has led experts, including the International Consensus Group for Anesthesia Related Outcomes After Surgery, to recommend neuraxial anesthesia for TJA whenever feasible,”explained Dr. Memtsoudis. 

Read the full article at healio.com.