09:21 AM

Ideal total elbow replacement remains elusive

Orthopedics Today reports that despite significant progress in knee and shoulder replacements, elbow replacement has remained a challenging area, with concerns regarding implant design, kinematics, and complications such as infection and mechanical failure. 

Matthew A. Butler hand and upper extremity surgeon at HSS emphasizes the importance of restoring natural elbow kinematics to mitigate complications, stating, “The closer that we can replicate the normal anatomy, the less load is going to be absorbed by the implant. Even though the gold standard is a linked system, our goal should still be to get as close as possible to restoring the normal arc of motion and kinematics."

Despite challenges, there is optimism for the future of elbow arthroplasty, with calls for enhanced education and preparedness among surgeons to address the increasing prevalence of traumatic elbow fractures.

Read the full article at healio.com.