13:59 PM

Frozen Shoulder: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

AARP discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments of frozen shoulder with experts including Beth E. Shubin Stein, MD, sports medicine surgeon and Co-Director of the Women's Sports Medicine Center at HSS.

Dr. Shubin Stein explained what happens to the body with frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis. “The name adhesive capsulitis says a lot because the [shoulder] capsule is the problem — there’s inflammation of the sac the shoulder lives in, and adhesive means it gets stuck after a while,” she cited.

There are three stages of frozen shoulder. Early on, the shoulder hurts and the pain gradually worsens. The second stage is the frozen stage, when the shoulder loses range of motion and “the capsule becomes thicker from inflammation,” noted Dr. Shubin Stein. The third stage is known as the thawing phase, which brings a gradual improvement to the shoulder’s range of motion.

Early diagnosis is important, noted Dr. Shubin Stein. “Early intervention and diligent treatment make this a much quicker process if we catch it before scarring occurs.”

Read the full article at AARP.org.