19:21 PM

Another great Tiger Woods comeback is possible, say experts

Reuters reports on Tiger Woods’ orthopedic trauma injuries following his involvement in a single-car crash. Woods sustained compound fractures of his tibia and fibula to his right leg with additional injuries to his foot and ankle. He also suffered trauma to the muscle and other soft tissue of the leg. Experts including HSS sports medicine surgeon Riley J. Williams III, MD, who did not treat Woods, offer comments on  his recovery and potential for making another great comeback. 

According to Dr. Williams, absent of any major complications, it is possible Woods could be ready to tee it up at next year’s Masters. “He has the right psychological makeup and obviously very focused and driven,” he noted. “Let’s assume in the most straightforward case we’ve got good bone healing by 12 weeks and then another three months of general recovery,” added Dr. Williams. 

“I could see him being on the range 6-to-12 months after surgery,” he predicted. “The Masters next year is certainly within reason, again barring some unknown complicating factors.”

Read the full article at Reuters.com.