09:35 AM

84,864 TKA Patient Study: How Risky is 1-Day Discharge?

Orthopedics This Week reports on HSS study findings published in The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons by hip and knee surgeon Peter K. Sculco, MD, and colleagues.

The new retrospective study reviewed 84,864 patients who had been treated with primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and compared 1-day discharge change complication rates to a longer stay arthroplasty.

Dr. Sculco explained the importance of this study, noting “Rapid recovery protocols have gained increasing popularity within the past decade. However, while rapid recovery protocols may be beneficial, some patients may benefit from more traditional protocols.”

According to Dr. Sculco, “In our analysis, we noted no difference in complications when observing same day discharge patients compared to their traditional discharge counterparts. This signifies that rapid recovery protocols can be equally effective, if not potentially better, than traditional protocols. Rapid recovery protocols are safe and effective in the right patient.”

He also noted further implications, citing “During our analysis, we noticed that patients in the rapid recovery cohort had a lower rate of manipulation under anesthesia or periprosthetic joint infection. This further suggests that early mobilization and getting patients out of the hospital is not only beneficial from a cost perspective but can help improve outcomes.”

Read the full article at Ryortho.com.