13:56 PM

7 Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis—Ranked

Runners World highlights that plantar fasciitis is a common problem in runners. "In the general population it can be as high as 10 percent of people who deal with it over the course of their life, said Todd McGrath, MD, primary sports medicine physician at HSS. 

But in runners, specifically, that number climbs to about 25 percent he says, adding that there are some reports that middle distance runners are more inclined than others to experience plantar fasciitis, but it's unclear why. 

The good news is that most cases of plantar fasciitis get better explained Dr. McGrath. More specifically, he says that that 80 percent of patients with plantar fasciitis will be better within a year. 

Read the full article at runnersworld.com. subscription is required to access.