16:04 PM

What Causes Scoliosis Pain, and the 7 Best Ways to Treat It

Livestrong explains the causes and treatments for scoliosis pain according to experts including Matthew E. Cunningham, MD, PhD, spine surgeon at HSS.

According to Dr. Cunningham, the condition is most often diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 15 when the spine is still developing, but it can affect people throughout the lifespan. Adults are much more likely to experience pain, not from the curvature itself but from the strain it puts on certain muscles and joints.

He said, “Scoliosis pain in adults can affect the lower back and also cause pain shooting down the leg. If there's pressure on certain nerves, your legs may also feel weak.”

“The only way to diagnose scoliosis definitively is through an X-ray,” noted Dr. Cunningham.

Physical therapy and exercise can be included in a treatment plan. Dr. Cunningham said, “While specific exercises must be geared to each individual, the general aim is to strengthen the muscles that support your spine.”

He continued, “If one of your symptoms is pain, doctors may also order other tests to see if you have another medical condition. Other sources of back pain include infection, fracture, lack of vitamin D, arthritis, sprains, strains and more.”

He added that surgery is a last step for a treatment option and typically reserved for patients who have pain regardless of how big or small the scoliosis is.

Read the full article at Livestrong.com.