17:07 PM

Surgical optimization is important in use of dual mobility implants

Orthopedics Today reports instability has been cited as the most common cause of revision after total hip arthroplasty (THA) and discusses the resurgence of the dual mobility implant with experts including Thomas P. Sculco, MD, surgeon-in-chief emeritus at HSS.

Despite the current unknowns and need for further data, Dr. Sculco said dual mobility hip implants are an important adjunct when it comes to THA surgery.

He continued, “It is a nice technique to have in your armamentarium when you are approaching hip replacements and, particularly, in a higher risk population. There is a learning curve in terms of putting the monobloc dual mobility in, but it is not anything that someone who does hip replacements cannot master quickly.”

Read the full article at Healio.com/news/orthopedics.