20:53 PM

Severe Treatment-Induced Arthritis Might Predict Cancer Progression in People on Checkpoint Inhibitors, Study Suggests

SurvivorNet reports on the findings of a study coauthored by HSS rheumatologist Karmela Kim Chan, MD, which found people on checkpoint inhibitors for several different cancers, those who developed treatment-induced arthritis sooner and more severely were more likely to have cancer progression. Investigators rated the severity of the patients’ arthritis by using the Clinical Disease Activity Index.

“Our study found that for every point increase in the clinical disease activity index, the risk of cancer progression increased by 11 percent,” said Dr. Chan. Not only did those whose cancer progressed have more severe arthritis, but they also developed arthritis sooner than those whose cancer didn’t progress – about two months after starting checkpoint inhibitors compared to four months for the others.

Dr. Chan added, “But this is very preliminary data, based on a small group of people with a variety of cancers and treatment regimens. Rheumatologists need to study this issue more closely.”

Read the full article at Survivornet.com.