16:54 PM

More Than Just a Pronoun: Ethics of Sex/Gender Assessment in Pediatrics

Rheumatology Advisor’s podcast “Rheum Advisor On Air” interviewed Karen Brandt Onel, MD, chief of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology at HSS, along with Nayimisha Balmuri, MD and Jacob Spitznagle, MD, pediatric rheumatology fellows at HSS, regarding an article they published in The Rheumatologist about asking pediatric patients about sexual orientation and gender identification as part of a routine assessment.

Dr. Onel and colleagues discussed their clinical practice experiences and the importance of representing pediatric patients in a way that centers and considers their personhood holistically, especially among populations in which mental health issues and other psychosocial stressors are present.

Dr. Onel said, “It’s our job whether you're pediatricians, whether you're adult providers, to really get to the issues that are important to our patients.”

Listen to the full episode at Rheumatologyadvisor.com.