08:53 AM

How Can Clinician-Scholar-Educators Best Be Supported?

The Rheumatologist features a call-to-action for more educator support, mentorship and resources to ensure high-quality training of young physicians by HSS rheumatologists Jessica R. Berman, MD, Juliet Aizer, MD, MPH, and Stephen A. Paget, MD, FACP, FACR.

The authors highlighted the clinician-scholar-educator (CSE) promotion track and suggested additional ways to support educators, including the creation of community of medical educators at both institutional and national levels and the continuation of Rheumatology Research Foundation CSE Awards

The article also spotlighted the formation of Academies to support grant programs and explained the founding of the HSS Academy of Rheumatology Medical Educators in 2011 was to support instructors and ensure a home where their accomplishments would receive the same recognition as colleagues doing bench, clinical and translational research.

They explained, “The HSS Academy’s pilot grant innovations funding program was designed “to serve as an impetus for the development of new teaching programs and to promote curricular change through the development of new or improved teaching programs and learning opportunities.”

Further, “the formation of the education research funding pilot highlights the talents of previously unsupported and unrecognized teaching faculty by allowing them to distinguish themselves at home professionally and academically.”

Read the full article at The-rheumatologist.org.