17:56 PM

This Decade-by-Decade Training Guide Will Help You Run Strong for Life

Runner’s World reports on a decade-by-decade guide for runners to keep them strong over the course of their lifetime, according to experts.

Runner’s World spoke to Jordan D. Metzl, MD, primary care sports medicine physician at HSS, who advised runners to recognize the running patterns that lead to injury in their 20s, as injury is the top reason why runners stop running. “For runners, 98 percent of those injuries are overuse,” said Dr. Metzl. “You have to learn to be a good body listener now, picking up on and addressing pain cues early, so shin splints don’t become stress fractures and tendinitis doesn’t become chronic tendinosis,” he added.

Dr. Metzl underscored the importance of practicing “body maintenance” in your 30s, and recommended foam rolling. “The 30s are when you need to be vigilant about maintaining your body. Consider foam rolling like flossing: necessary to prevent unwanted breakdown,” explained Dr. Metzl. By rolling out all your leg muscles (i.e., calves, hamstrings, quads, adductors, and abductors), this will prevent knots that can restrict movement and lead to injury.

In your 50s, Dr. Metzl said it is essential to maintain functional strength and elasticity for performance and injury prevention, and suggested plyometric-based training (hopping/jumping movements). “Running is plyometric. You’re jumping from one leg to the next so you need to train that.”

Read the full article at Runnersworld.com.