10:25 AM

Computer-assisted fluoroscopy-based navigation reduced readmissions after THA

Edwin P. Su, MD, hip at knee surgeon at HSS discusses performing computer-assisted fluoroscopy-based navigation for total hip arthroplasty with Healio. 

Compared with manual total hip arthroplasty, THA with computer assisted fluoroscopy based hip navigation resulted in fewer readmissions, higher rates of discharge to home and similar costs. 

“I have been using this technology for primary THR and have found that it has significant benefits to making my surgical results more precise. I am not surprised that investigators have found a reduction in hip related readmissions in this group compared to the manually performed group. There was a 30? reduction in the 90 day readmission rate and a 36% reduction in the 365 day readmission rate, which should lead to significantly decreased morbidity for the patients and reduced costs to the health care system,” explained Dr. Su. 

Read the full article at healio.com.