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Apple vs. Android: Which does your hospital's innovation strategy resemble?

Healthcare IT News featured HSS chief innovation officer Leonard Achan, RN, MA, ANP, who addressed the Hospital's open innovation strategy.

"As a mission-driven organization dedicated to advancing musculoskeletal health globally, we operate without the concern of competition often seen within more closed innovation models. HSS is transitioning our business model and moving from a focus factory, as a single-service provider, a specialty hospital, to a knowledge factory," said Achan.

"We would not be able to accomplish this if we had a closed model. Our longstanding appetite for experimentation and iterative learning in the clinical realm has transferred into our business development, commercialization and innovation practices," he added.

According to Achan, the organizational culture at HSS is built upon shared leadership, collaboration and solving problems by getting the smartest, most talented people in a room to innovate.

Additionally, he noted that the open innovation model helps HSS learn about its creativity while also collaborating with the community to improve healthcare for global consumers.

Read the full article at healthcareitnews.com.