16:52 PM

ACL reconstruction with novel technique linked with 92% return to sport in some teenagers

Orthopedics Today reports on HSS study results finding patient-reported outcomes were favorable at 2 years for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction done with a modified Lemaire lateral extra-articular tenodesis (LET) in children and teenagers with risk factors for failed ACL reconstruction.

The study authors Frank A. Cordasco, MD, MS, sports medicine surgeon, and Daniel W. Green, MD, MS, FAAP, FACS, pediatric orthopedic surgeon, shared insight on the results that were presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2022 Annual Meeting.

Dr. Green noted, “It is one of the first studies that shows in young kids who are growing, with open growth plates, it can be done safely.”

According to the abstract, the return to sport rate was 91.8%. Dr. Green explained, “We used [the LET] technique before and we’re excited about it, but we’re now sharing that the actual return to sport is high [and] patient-reported outcomes were respectable,” Green said.

HSS is one of the first centers to use Lemaire LET technique with ACL reconstruction for this young age group. According to Dr. Cordasco, “These are not new operations. But, in this particular group of young people, this is new. It hasn’t been done before.”

He continued, “We view the LET as kind of an insurance policy to prevent reinjury because we are diminishing the potential for the athlete to tear again and there are no untoward effects as it relates to performance, the ability to get back to sport and perform at a higher level.”

Dr. Green noted the LET adds about 20 minutes to an ACL reconstruction and the postoperative rehabilitation is similar to what is done for a usual ACL reconstruction.

Dr. Cordasco explained, “In the right athlete, the LET is a great adjuvant treatment at the time of surgery. It diminishes the recurrence rates significantly from 20% to 1.7%, meaning the revision rate, and it doesn’t change the return to sport except in the positive, perhaps shortening it a bit.”

Read the full article at Healio.com/news/orthopedics. Additional coverage: Consumer.healthday.com.