07:00 AM

Blocking iRhom2 protein may prevent kidney damage in SLE

Healio Rheumatology reports on a recent HSS study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, which found that inhibiting the inactive rhomboid 2 protein could help physicians prevent kidney injury in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Study author Jane E. Salmon, MD, rheumatologist at HSS, explained that these research findings uncovered a possible new target for selective and simultaneous inhibition of two major pathological pathways in the effector arm of lupus nephritis.

"Moreover, the intensity of HB-EGF expression in interstitial cells in lupus nephritis positively correlated with disease chronicity index, an indicator of irreversible damage and poor prognosis," added Dr. Salmon.

Read the full article at Healio.com/Rheumatology.